Local services to speak to someone now
SlaM Out of Hours service
Call 0800 731 2864
To speak to the local NHS mental health crisis line for people in Croydon, Lambeth, Lewisham and Southwark.
NHS Lambeth Single Point of Access
(Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm) 0800 090 2456
Call if you're worried about your mental health and need more support than your GP can provide.
Offer short and longer term support from our teams of clinicians, social workers, people with lived experience and support workers. If appropriate, someone can visit you if you require mental health support within 24 hours.
Solidarity in a Crisis
(Monday to Friday: 6pm-12am, Weekends 12pm-12am) Freephone 0300 123 1922
Out of hours emotional support over phone (and in person) from people who have lived experience of mental health. They offer one-off and ongoing suport
If you are having thoughts of suicide
Papyrus Hopeline
0800 068 4141
Suicide prevention and support for young people from age 10 up to 35
The May Tree Sanctuary
0207 263 7070
For those in a suicidal crisis, offers short-term accommodation. Maytree’s house is open 365 days a year for people when they’re feeling suicidal, their phonelines are currently running.
The Samaritans
24 hour phoneline: 116 123
The samaritans are there to listen 24 hours a day, the number is free to call or text.
https://www.samaritans.org/ (24 hour response time)
The Listening Place
Face-to-face support for those who feel life is no longer worth living
Listening services and drop-ins
The Caravan
0207 183 1802
The drop-in offers a core service of listening and emotional support, which can evolve into counselling. Free service open 7 days a week, offers telephone support.
The Beacon Project Drop-in
Fridays 2-5pm St Mark's Church Kennington
Contact Jazz: 0208 329 9649
If you live in Lambeth and would like to talk someone about mental health issues you can do so by attending our weekly mental health and wellbeing drop-in. Runs every Fridays from 2.00 pm -5.00pm, at St Marks Church Kennington, London SE11 4PW (opposite Oval Tube Station). You do not need an appointment just show up. They also have a nurse available for health checks.
SANE line
4:30pm – 10:30pm 0300 304 7000 info@sane.org.uk
Mental health helpline offering support and info
Available 24/7 Text SHOUT to 85258
Text support service, free to text from all UK mobiles
The Well Centre
Monday - Friday 020 8473 1581
A health hub for 11-20 year olds where you can see a doctor, counsellor or Health & Wellbeing Practitioner
The Listening Place
Face-to-face support for those who feel life is no longer worth living
If you've been affected by crime or traumatic events
Victim Support
0808 168 9111
If you've been affected by domestic Abuse
The GAIA Centre
020 7733 8724
This is a centre based in Lambeth offering support and refuge to women who are experiencing domestic violence. https://www.refuge.org.uk/our-work/our-services/one-stop-shop-services/the-gaia-centre/
Free 24 Hour domestic abuse helpline: 0808 2000 247
Bereavement Support
Bereavement counselling
020 7620 3999
This is a local service in Lambeth offering counselling if you have been bereaved https://www.cruse.org.uk/get-help/local-services/south-east/lambeth
Cruse helpline: 0808 808 1677
Phone support to talk to someone straight away