Click on the area of interest to find useful organisations and information:
Local Support
Government Cost of Living support hub
Mayor of London Cost of Living help hub
General & Legal Advice
Legal Advice Clinics
Debt, Consumer, Energy & Telecommunications
Benefits and Grants
Family and Child Law
Elderly, Health, Education, Bereavement, Work, Planning and Other
Local support
- The Directory - the community food resource with local emergency food resources, including Foodbank, advice and support and money saving tips
- Connect Lambeth #Together campaign from Age UK Lambeth offers advice, befriending, shopping, online socialising
- West Norwood Mutual Aid group - to ask for help from your neighbours or to offer help email: On Facebook call 0208 168 7080 or text 0203 151 7080 WhatsApp group
- Lambeth Mutual Aid on Facebook
- Other local Mutual Aid groups can be found here.
- Paxton Green Time Bank - a community of local volunteers who offer support and activities to one another, all online at the moment.
To support your wellbeing during this time, we have collected together useful services and information:
Wellbeing information, organisations and support
Click on the links below for different resources:
Crisis Services: I need to talk to someone or need urgent support
Get Connected: I'm looking for local services and support, or to connect up with others
Keeping Well: I'm looking for ideas, tips, and practical activities to keep well
General & Legal Advice
- Brixton Advice Centre
- Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth
- Advice Now (help with a range of advice issues and guides including help with benefit issues, how to take a case to civil court)
- Citizens Advice - Advice Guide
- Cambridge House Law Centre
- Southwark Law Centre
- South West London Law Centre (may depend on where you live)
- University House Legal Advice Centre
- Civil Legal Advice and Find a Legal Adviser - phone 0345 345 4345
- Liberty (Human Rights)
- Public Interest Law Centre - Advice on action against public authorities (including the Police), Judicial Review
- Equality and Human Rights Commission
- Equality Advisory Service - Discrimination Advice
- Court Service (making a claim, divorce etc)
- We are Advocate - Free representation
- Royal Courts of Justice Citizens Advice (inc Civil, Housing, Family, Debt and Bankruptcy/Insolvancy)
- Temple Legal Centre (family law)
- Councillors, MPs, MEPs and Mayor of Lambeth - see
- Government Website covering all areas of advice
- Disability Lambeth - advice in Lambeth for the disabled and long term ill, older people and carers
- Police Action Legal Line (advice on mistreatment or injustice by police) - phone 020 7452 8902
- Support Through Court - Free support (not advice) for those attending Civil Court and Tribunal Proceedings
- Check if you have legal cover including through house or motor insurance, bank account, other policies
- Check if your Union provides legal cover
Legal Advice Clinics (check to see law areas that they cover)
- Brixton Advice Centre
- Waterloo Action Centre
- LSBU Legal Advice Clinic
- Kings College Legal Advice Clinic
- Cambridge House Law Centre
- Lawworks (list of other legal clinics)
- BPP Legal Clinic
- University House Legal Advice Centre
Wandsworth Mediation Service - free conflict coaching or mediation to try to find solutions; covers neighbour disputes, families, or other personal conflicts
Debt, Consumer, Energy and Telecommunications
- Stop loan sharks support - Provides support and help report confidentially or anonymously illegal money lenders (these include those lending money who are not registered, may charge interest and possibly give no paper work. They may threaten or intimidate).
- Mayor of London Cost of Living help hub
- National Debtline
- Business Debtline
- Debt Free Advice
- Mary Ward Legal and Financial Centre - phone 020 7831 7079
- South West London Law Centre (Certain geographical areas only)
- TaxAid - help with tax and tax credits
- MoneyHelper from Money and Pension Service (debt, benefit , income maximisation and budgeting advice and tools)
- Money A&E - resource on debt matters
- Greendoctors - Energy advice, energy discounts and help
- SELCE - Energy advice, Utilities debt advice, energy discounts and help
- WASH Energy Advice - Energy advice, Utilities debt advice, energy discounts and help
- AgeUK Lambeth Energy and utility debt advice for Lambeth residents
- Energy Ombudsman
- Citizens Advice Energy Consumer Advice
- Citizens Advice Consumer Advice
- Consumer Protection Rights
- The Directory - the community food resource with local emergency food resources, including Foodbank, advice and support and money saving tips
- Resolver - free consumer online advice service (and app) to complain about Telecoms (e.g. mobile phones), energy (utilities), travel (airlines, car rentals etc), finance (banks, insurances etc), shops / retailers, public services such as DVLA, Local Authority and other services. Guides through the complaints process, provides draft letters and emails, will direct emails to companies complaints, notify when to escalate complaints and help with that. Keeps case files that can download and service can forward complaints to relevant independent complaint bodies e.g. like Ombudsman
- Office of Communications (OFCOM)
- Telecommunications Ombudsman
- Office of Water Services (OFWAT)
- Financial Ombudsman
Benefit and Grants
See also general and legel advice amd Legal Clinics above.
- Benefits and Pensions
- Tax Credits Helpline
- Maternity Action
- Turn2us benefits and grants advice
- Clearcommunityweb Help with online form filling, registration and services
- LawForLife (guides on benefit issues and challenges)
- Working Families (in work benefit advice)
- Lightening Reach Portal (grants)
- Mayor of London Cost of Living help hub
Housing and Homelessness
- Housing Loss Prevention Advice Service provider - If received written notice that someone is seeking the possession of your home (not means tested).
- Shelter – phone 0808 800 4444
- Advice for Renters - (private tenants advice)
- Cambridge House Law Centre
- Southwark Law Centre
- South West London Law Centre (may depend on where you live) Free Telephone Advice Line 0800 640 4254
- University House Legal Advice Centre
- HousingCare (housing advice and options for aged 55+)
- Leasehold Advisory Service – phone 020 78322500
- Lambeth Housing Advice (homeless or risk of homelessness)
- London Borough of Lambeth: Council tenants emergency repairs etc – phone 0207 926 6000
- Private Renting Issues
- Homeless related services inlcuding day centres: Homeless Link, Streelink and The Pavement
- The Spires Centre (Homeless Service)
- Find a Legal Adviser
- Housing Ombudsman
- Planning Advice
- See Legal Advice Clinics section above
- ACAS - phone 0300 123 1100
- Work Smart (from the TUC)
- Mary Ward Legal and Financial Centre - phone 020 7831 7079
- Working Families - phone 0300 012 0312
- London Employment Rights Hub
- Equality Advisory Service - Discrimination Advice
- South West London Law Centre (may depend on where you live)
- Southwark Law Centre
- Cambridge House
- University House Legal Advice Centre
- Rights of Women
- Check if you have legal cover including through house or motor insurance, bank account, other policies
- Consult your Union
- See Legal Advice Clinics section above
- Find a Legal Adviser
- Joint Council for the Welfare of Immigrants
- South London Refugee Association
- Notre Dame Refugee Centre
- Southwark Law Centre
- South West London Law Centre (may depend on where you live)
- Citizens Advice Merton and Lambeth
- Indoamerican Refugee and Migrant Organization
- Kings college legal clinic
- Rights of Women
- Migrant Help
- Refugee Council
- Windrush claim help
- Find a Legal Adviser
- Lambeth Sanctuary Services
Family and Child Law
- Temple Legal Centre Provides 30 minutes free appointment on Family Law
- South West London Law Centre (may depend on where you live)
- University House Legal Advice Centre
- Royal Courts of Justice Citizens Advice
- See Legal Advice Clinics section above
- Find a Legal Adviser - phone 0345 345 4345
- Rights of Women
- Maternity Action
- Working Families - phone 0300 012 0312
- Gingerbread (lone parent)
- National Family Mediation
- Child Law Advice
- Child Maintenance Options
- National Domestic Violence Helpline
- Child Support Agency
- Find a Legal Adviser
Elderly, Health, Education, Work, Bereavement, Planning and Other
- Age UK directory of older persons services
- List of Mental Health and Wellbeing Resources
- Women and Girls Network (WGN) - supports women and girls affected or threat of being affected by gender based abuse and violence
- National Domestic Violence Helpline
- Hourglass (Safer Ageing) - helpline for those experiencing or concerned about the harm, abuse or exploitation of older people
- Child Support Agency
- Action for Victims of Medical Accidents
- Victim Support (victims of crime)
- Metro Charity - help on sexuality, gender, equality, HIV, diversity or identity
- Terrence Higgins Trust - help for people living with HIV and sexual health issues
- Lambeth Bereavement Services (including affordable simple funeral)
- Bereavement Advice Service
- Clink - Directory of organisations working in the Criminal Justice System
- The Directory - the community food resource with local emergency food resources, advice and support and money saving tips
- Planning Advice
- RAD - advice for people with hearing loss
- Quoria Law - free legal advice on mental capacity, financial safeguarding and Court of Protection (some help chargeable)